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Join the Movement for Impactful Prevention!

The Cross Systems Prevention Network (CSPN) members are a dynamic cross-system collaboration committed to enhancing the well-being of our youth and communities. Our passionate network of primary prevention stakeholders works tirelessly to tackle behavioral and mental health challenges head-on.

Our Mission

Promote healthy youth development by building a continuum of effective prevention strategies financed with sustained funding, which results in more durable and longer-lasting effects of community prevention efforts.

Our Goals

  • Empower Communities: We aim to broaden the application of effective early prevention approaches, ensuring every community can thrive.
  • Amplify Resources: By increasing access to sustainable funding, we facilitate the widespread dissemination of impactful prevention initiatives.
  • Be Responsible Stewards: We are dedicated to ensuring that taxpayer dollars are used effectively, maximizing the benefits for our communities.

Empowering Prevention Through Collaboration: Insights from CSPN

We are thrilled to present two insightful videos featuring our CSPN coordinator and founding member, recorded at the recent Annual Conference of the Commonwealth Prevention Alliance (CPA). These videos highlight our mission to facilitate collaboration among diverse stakeholders, prioritizing effective prevention strategies with an intentional focus on upstream early prevention.

Our members, representing areas such as mental health, education, physical health, child welfare, and more, come together and unite in the commitment to enhance primary prevention within their respective systems. Join us as we explore the vital role of collaboration in shaping a healthier future for our communities!

Amy Eisert, founding member of CSPN

Kristina Jeanty, Project Coordinator of CSPN

If you have any questions, please contact Kristina Jeanty at

State Agencies and Associations Represented

  • Commonwealth Prevention Alliance
  • County Commissioners Association of PA
  • PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency
  • PA Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs
  • PA Department of Education
  • PA Department of Health
  • PA Department of Human Services
  • PA Liquor Control Board
  • PA Office of Attorney General
  • PA Recreation and Park Society
  • Pennsylvania State University
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